Did you re-check the bagel coil? Does he have an electromagnetic phantom or not? Or a scam?

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Hey There,

So I finally read all of this page to completion.

I am not well versed in the counterspace argument as I don't follow dolard and haven't read steinmetz.

I'm more well versed in Tiwari and De-Palma as there work is simiilar to Konstantin Meyl.

So my first question for you is relating to how counter space relates to the vortex model of the electron.

If you look at the first 1-2 books of Meyls vortex series you will see how he dervices an electron as a potential vortex.

Then ultimately define all sub atomic particles as combinations of such potential vortices.

Would it be appropriate to say that counter-space is the energy flow that exists within the potential vortex?

And that generally is not measurable from the outside as we can only measure the vortex on the outside of the boundary but not the potential vortex inside.

I am going to need to look into the work of Andrew Mount and his series, thanks for that references. I very much liked Bruce DePalma's work, I struggle to believe when Dollard says things to the effect that DePalma's generators never worked.

The whole theosophical stuff is not my area of understanding so it all flew right over my head.

But it reminded me of a youtube channel you may very much like. Check it out when you have time he only has a hand full of videos and once again very few subscribers.


Conciousness as the fabric of space time makes a lot of sense to me and it's very prevalent in lots of channeled material as of late.

Although the channeled materials are normally not as literal on all levels as I think one can and perhaps should be with this assertion.

Really enjoyed this, what I could understand from it :)

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Glad you enjoyed it, and the answers are complicated. :)

So make sure you read the previous article as well entitled "The Holonomy & Geometry of Space-Time" as well, it contains a large explanation of counterspace... Once you read that, I'll answer any questions you may have.

PREVIOUS ARTICLE HERE: https://baronarcanus.substack.com/p/the-arcaneum-a-call-from-the-void

In Bob's recent video, he talks about planck-scale flux vortices as causal to entanglement. (in relation to communion)

This is proooobably the empirical equivalent to counterspace. I wouldn't be surprised if its found eventually that this is the same.

Counterspace is defined as a negative space in addition to our own, in the electrodynamics. It occurs mathematically because electricity & magnetism are conjugates or reciprocals, all the inversions in the mathematics cause imaginary numbers to come out in the equations.

Another way of thinking of this is as:

(...digging it up from my book.....)

Q ( ϙ ) represents total electrification, in the unit called 'Planks'

Phi ( φ ) represents total magnetization, in the unit called 'Webers'

Psi ( ψ ) represents total dielectrification, in the unit called 'Coulombs'

The relationship between these units is as follows:

ϙ / ψ = φ magnetic induction, measured in the unit called webers

ϙ / φ = ψ  dielectric induction, measured in the unit called coulombs

ψ * φ = ϙ total electrification, measured in the unit called planks

From these base units representing the total number of dielectric and magnetic field lines, we derive some density units:

φ / cm² = density of magnetic induction, measured in webers / cm²

ψ / cm² = density of dielectric induction, measured in coulombs / cm²

ϙ / cm^4 = density of electrification, measured in planks / cm^4

This introduced the necessity for counterspace, and calculation of electrical theory in the complex plane, through the extance of space to the 4th power in the equations.

basically we have been considering time as a linear system, and its not. its quadrupolar, with 2 axis.... time as we know it is one axis, and 'counterspace' is the other axis of time, that exists spatially....

In short: counterspace is 'where electric fields go when they shink away to a point or otherwise disappear, especially in manners that are non-unity.

But yes I agree that sub-atomics are vortices.... and i believe the ying-yang fractal is the "topology" of those vortices in the dimensions of space & counterspace,

where white/yin=counterspace, mythologically gaia/earth

and black/yang=space, mythologically ouranos/heaven

So basically theres 3 dimensions of space, and 2 dimensions of time.... I don't think this is a technically accurate statement, but, it may be 'the lie that lets us see the truth'

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" I struggle to believe when Dollard says things to the effect that DePalma's generators never worked."

As far as I know, he never said this. Do you have a citation?

It seems to me that Tewari's model is HIGHLY compatible with Steinmetz & electrodynamics, that is in fact the underlying motif of this series & theory: a merger of Steinmetz & Tewari.

I know Dollard sees pretty narrowly, he's quite 'by the book' and I know he's been critical of bearden, but ive never heard him criticize DePalma.

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A friend who allegedly watched huge amounts of Dollard's videos told me he said DePalma's faraday generator never produced any unexpected energy. He did give me a reference to the video when I asked for it and I told him I was pretty sure based on all my research DePalma's systems exhibited all the characteristics that made them seem legitimate to me. I will try to find the reference to the video he gave me and then try to find what part of the video he thought Dollard said this in. I'm starting to lean on the fact he probably just didn't understand Dollard, and misinterpreted something, but I will double check and get back to you either way.

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It's actually a fractal arc, but its hard to see in the vid as its quite small.

heres a picture of a larger one, clearly fractal, clearly not a normal arc:


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Dollard largely dismisses anything outside his worldview. But he's still one of my heroes.

Example: if you try to ask him about EVO's, he'd probably say they are disinformation....

...but if you describe them electrodynamically, (i believe they are bubbles of counterspace,and that that the 'shape' of counterspace is the torus) he'd be all over it. And in fact that's one of the reasons I wrote this, to translate it into Dollard-ese. Because he has the greatest electrical mind on the planet.

Dollard's monopolar arc-speaker using tesla's radiant energy(impulse current, IC), playing Bach.

There's no one else on earth who can do this.


An where's the other end of the arc? It's in counterspace, acording to Dollard himself.

He's a very finicky guy, and very old-school. He doesn't trust or use computers and considers digital electronics to be some form of evil

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Hey I tracked down the comment thread. It started on this video.


Where he replied to comment with


hey Peter here's the link for that video with Chris Carson and Eric Dollard I believe near the end of the video he talks about the end machine and that it's not over unity



He did soften his tone in a latter comment I made and clarify his position further



Hi Peter how's it going? thanks a lot again yeah apparently it was solved by Eric Dollard Peter Linderman and one other guy apparently to make the N machine effective

it has to be made into a alternating current pulse so the way they did this was by having magnets sitting the face on the metal disk north south north south magnets all the way around two north facing out and 2 facing out south and when they spun the disk they got an alternating current and then they took that alternating current and put it into a heavy duty step up transformer and they were able to get quite a bit of voltage out of it so the mystery was solved with the N machine Beuce Depluma was on the right track but he wasn't able to get the voltage potentials that you need to make it really effective as a generator for regular everyday use ....so some of the ideas there I'm going to try to implement into my and machine but in a different way but using an high frequency alternating current going into the magnet setup and hopefully the amperage will carry the voltage through the system and boost the current output that's just my theory we'll see if it actually works this weekend


The quote from Dollard from the video https://youtu.be/isbDfZYo6gU about DePalma was as follows. (excuse Google translate)




did not invent the end machine the end machine was invented by some people that lived in the bushes over the hill and


they and they actually produced is called a sunburst I'm not that familiar by know Bruce de palma bruce de palma


picked up on the idea and tried to duplicate it and produced a very wonderful constant current machine with


horribly strong magnetic fields but still did not produce the free energy i


don't know where it's gone now he went he went overseas and that was kind of the end of that performance you get too


high of a concentration of magnetic fields and you're just you're fighting a losing battle


Based on my understanding DePalma was involved in the Sunburst community. I don't have time to find it now, but I believe he was involved in creating the generator with the group.

However whatever was going on with the Sunburst community is fuzzy, kind of like that fuzziness you get when cross dimensional stuff happens and things don't seem quite clear.

Kinda like mandella effect fuzzy (if you get what I mean), so perhaps the history isn't as rigid regarding this.

Anyways that video shows pretty clearly that Dollard clearly thought the device did not work.

This is in contradiction to what DePalma is on the record as having said and also what I understand about the device.

It's conceivable the two never talked about it and the whole thing is a misunderstanding though.

As you put it Dollard seems a bit strict in his ways, based on what little I have seen of him.

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Ok yeah, I do remember hearing this now that you've transcripted it.

So, Dollard has very strict electrodynamic nomenclature and definitions. He probably infers a lack of free energy from lack of synchronous parameter variation, as that was how Steinmetz descibed free energy.

Dollard may have been wrong in this case, or perhaps its just an artifact of his very stringent definitions. I know Dollard proclaims disbelief in MANY things that probably are (on some level) legitimate.

I still think he's the key to solving the phantom & EVOs.

He's even made EVOs before, he just has different names for them and refuses to learn anything outside his electrodynamic bubble.

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I too was pretty shocked to hear that anyone would take on DePalma and (by proxy possibly Tiwari) as to me there experemental evidence and reasoning is basically rock solid and correlates well with all the other evidence i had seen. So I'm very happy to hear you are able to integrate it with the counterspace perspective! It's almost like a theory of everything :D vortices meet counter space. The theory of everything that perhaps actually matters more than the theory of everything, that everyone else is looking for :)

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did you check out the monopolar arc speaker:


It's the most majestic experiment video i've ever seen,

possibly tied with the phase conjugation video:


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I'm glad someone sees what im TRYING to do.

Thanks for this Peter S!

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