Well - the phantom maker I can see, which is an improvement as it was sent to me because I had derived a structure from what I couldn't see on LION (Jan 2018) that had to have made the marks observed, then from structures I couldn't see that had to have made marks on Hutchison MFMP "Fracture" Sample (Feb 2020) and then actual structures on the VEGA Valley Eastern Plateau (April 2022) that matched the 'phantoms' that had to have caused the previous observations. So, from things I couldn't see, ghosts in the mechanics, I derived the things that were doing the work, and as soon as I see them in the flesh and share the work product, I get back a piece of engineering that might just be able to make the phantoms I had been investigating.
I like to work with what I can see. I am also far from perfect, just doing what I can. I will be wrong, I have been in the past, probably am now and likely will be in the future.
I don't care when I am wrong, I only care if I am right, and since nature can only tell the truth, it is the best thing to follow. I only started making real progress when I chose to focus on what nature was trying to say. Hopefully, from time to time, I will be equipped to understand its message rather than misunderstand it.
Wise of you... It's a slippery slope. If you accidentally slip into the hyperbolic pit of study that is counterspace, you might find yourself trapped in a wake of vacuum forces, unable to escape the abyssal wyrmwell.
You've achieved perhaps more than anyone else ever has, with regards to legitimizing and making public this area of research. In my view, you and shoulders made this happen.... edit: ok, Zhvirblis also probably deserves a mention....
You're able to work effectively and convincingly within the stringent criteria of the scientific process, method, and academic community, something no one else has really managed to do, so Bravo! Not to mention organize a volunteer organization to get the job done.
PS: I had to rescind your collaboration offer to continue to add changes to the post, but whenever you'd like it back,it's available to you.
PPS: Don't think for a second that I won't bug the hell out of you, if you keep me waiting too long for responses! Us aspies are relentless, once we find our voice, and patience is NOT our virtue. :)
I have about 2-3 years of future work already in my roster (which expands as I fulfil the outstanding things) and many papers I should have written, but have not yet, based on past findings. What is it specifically that you think I could do that would be advantageous to the human condition beyond what I am trying to do daily?
Baron, this is a very good book. Your basic premise is that there is space outside of the hole and counterspace inside of the hole. There is also a surface that I believe is mass due to the space and counterspace having different densities or viscosities leading to the stoppage of one particle or wave being able to travel through another particle or wave. Your theory also delves into metaphysics with geometry of the hole producing different particles. My theories equations use geometric, electrical, and the number of surface atoms for a material to calculate a phenomenon in the universe. Your particles have an electric and magnetic description as mine does. The electric field is related to the magnetic field.
Could you tell me a bit about how you think DNA & consciousness are involved? I would like to work together to 'translate' your views into the electrodynamic nomenclature, so I can understand it, and potentially so lots more people can too.
Thanks, glad to hear! So I'm going to transcribe/reply this with a few additions/corrections on my theory, for clarity::
> "My basic premise is that there is space outside of the hole(electron) and counterspace inside of the hole(elecron).
(Mostly yeah. Counterspace exists in miniscule amounts outside of atoms as well, which can give rise to things like entanglement between particles or tesla's wardencliffe wireless power system, where i think in both cases one would expect to see planck-scaled flux vortices or longitudinal waves to be carrying the power instead of the usual transverse electromagnetic waves.....
>There is also a surface that I believe is mass due to the space and counterspace having different densities or viscosities.
(different curvatures of the space actually, but viscosity is a close analogy, yes).
Counterspace/dielectric is concave/hyperbolic, and space/magnetism is convex/spheric, and they meet in the middle to produce the real world, euclidian (almost.... thanks Albert Einstein. )
>Leading to the stoppage of one particle or wave being able to travel through another particle or wave.
(It may be related but I would rather suspect it to be magnetic repulsion that pushes particles apart, not the space-counterspace boundary/surface.... Electrodynamically, magnetism originates in space and dielectric originates in counterspace, and also moves backwards in time. So its the magnetism located outside the counterspace boundary surface causing the repulsion of particles, in my view.
This would explain why coherent matter can travel as waves, as if the poles are aligned and wave-functions synchronized, then the magnetic repulsions would be nullified. This is Lockheed's
"Atom Laser" Patent. Bob Greenyer might have something to add here. Maybe we can coax him over.
The function of the counterspace boundary surface is essentially to create symmetry, because counterspace is non-unity which breaks symmetry. It's also non-local & atemporal. It's also the cause of gravity. And I believe its the space/process through which processes like entanglement & consciousness are manifest. )
>Your theory also delves into metaphysics with geometry of the hole producing different particles.
(This is speculative, but yes. This is possibly subject to change, its a work in progress & theory after all.)
>My theories equations use geometric, electrical, and the number of surface atoms for a material to calculate a phenomenon in the universe. Your particles have an electric and magnetic description as mine does. The electric field is related to the magnetic field."
(That's amazing! I still haven't read your paper, but I will as soon as I can!
I should also clarify that there is a mathematical framework within which my theory does operate, that would be the works of C.P. Steinmetz and E.P. Dollard, electrodynamic math from american institute of electrical engineers. however my theory has yet to be rigorously mathematically proofed with this extant mathematics.
As you state the counterspace is atemporal, but the space is temporal leading to thought. It is a change in time which is a force which affects the alignment of all atoms in the brain leading to different thoughts and different personalities and different people.
Yes, I have also considered the notion of increasing force being simply a function of time scaling. And it seems right to me, although this is not how it is described electrodynamically, so its not worded that way in my theory either.
Language is a tricky thing. Scientists of today fail to see that the same system can be described in a multitude of ways, and that many seemingly disparate theories are actually often analogues, just obfuscated by the interjection of differing language & conceptual linkages. I suspect 90% of what science rejects will one day be proven true, and their excuse will be "you didn't use right nomenclature, its your own fault!"
All particles are the same particle as depicted in my view of how space and time are structured. You are actually in the same space as me but in a different time. A force is a change in the rate of time passage that leads to your DNA having a different pattern than mine which leads to you thinking differently and looking differently which leads to all scientists looking at the universe differently but calculating the same numbers with different equations and arguing a lot about who is correct.
The "two spaces" thing from electrodynamics comes down from the mathematical differentiation of the sine wave as a superposition of 8 discontinuous transient waves. This doesn't mean that sinewaves don't exist, it simply means that we model them as 8th-order differentials to be able to bring them comprehensibly within our minds.
In the same sense, i believe it may be accurate to state that space & counterspace are mathematical differentiations of one actual space, a differentiation required to be able to describe the more complex aspects of space, just as it was also required for the above sinewave.
How does your "anti-universe" fit into this idea? You state "all particles are in the same space", then why need an anti-space/anti-universe? Conciousness?
In my model, the particles aren't in either 'space or 'counterspace' but exist as the boundary condition between those spaces, essentially. Hope that clarifies.
I know differential equations but only for second order equations. I have some experience with 8th order equations because my niece learned how to do them, and I helped her with them. I am not that great with differential equations but if you show me a graph of the equation or the equation, I can understand it. I cannot derive the equation from the graph. It is too difficult for me.
The anti-universe is inside of the particles and waves that my spectrum details. It might just be a different name for your counterspace. I have chatted with many scientists about the anti-universe, and it is located inside of the particles of our universe. It is in a 4D space that is a hypercube or hypersphere. On my spectrum the anti-universe is shown at the far left and far right and it wraps around the spectrum in the back of our universe. This hypercube or hypersphere has three layers and may be the inside and outside of your particle that leaks your counterspace. The particles of my spectrum can be views as the boundary of the space and counterspace. I have to translate from your theory to my theory to understand it all due to the way the DNA in everyone's brains atoms is different leading to a different thought process and a seemingly different theory. I looked on the Internet for the equations of the two men you told me your theory follows but I could not find the equations so can you send me some so I know what your theory entails with the way of equations?
To answer your question about why we need an anti-space/anti-universe is that the universe is flashing on and off at the Planck time. It is first matter and then anti-matter. First the universe and then the anti-matter universe. This keeps the conservation of energy, matter, and momentum. The electrons that are flowing in our brains that allows consciousness are virtual. They produce both anti-electrons and electrons. To keep the conservation laws. The gravity waves change time in the small section of the brain so the electrons can travel from one spot in the brain to another spot and they change energy to do this to travel from one part of space that is in one time to the same space that is in another part of time. This is the chemical reaction that allows consciousness.
Space is basically constant, but time is expanding. The recent James Webb deep space photo shows this. The Big Bang theorized that at a distance of 13.5 billion years we should see electrons, neutrinos, and atoms but yet the photos show more galaxies. The universe appears to be a steady state. It is infinite. An electrical circuit is the same. The generator produces both anti-electrons and electrons that travel in both universes. They are virtual. When the generator is turned off the electrons disappear. The electrons in the atoms are still in the atoms and the reason they don't break apart when the electrons are flowing the circuit. The universe doesn't really exist for a Planck time in either universe, but it flashes so fast we perceive our universe because we are in the flashing part that exists for a time period which is the Planck time.
You are in the same space in the universe as me but when I send data to you the electrons travel in the wire or fiber optic line in this manner, so they travel through time and reach your time in the same space. It is the same when a car engine accelerates the car, and the car moves. The energy that is added to the car makes it appear to move forward because the atoms of the car gain energy and move through time to the same space that is at a different time.
Q ( ϙ ) represents total electrification, in the unit called 'Planks'
Phi ( φ ) represents total magnetization, in the unit called 'Webers'
Psi ( ψ ) represents total dielectrification, in the unit called 'Coulombs'
The relationship between these units is as follows:
ϙ / ψ = φ magnetic induction, measured in the unit called webers
ϙ / φ = ψ dielectric induction, measured in the unit called coulombs
ψ * φ = ϙ total electrification, measured in the unit called planks
From these base units representing the total number of dielectric and magnetic field lines, we derive some density units:
φ / cm² = density of magnetic induction, measured in webers / cm²
ψ / cm² = density of dielectric induction, measured in coulombs / cm²
ϙ / cm^4 = density of electrification, measured in planks / cm^4
This introduced the necessity for counterspace, and calculation of electrical theory in the complex plane, through the extance of space to the 4th power in the equations.
This interpretation is incidentally compliant with Plotinus’ concept of the Platonic Forms in Hypostases, or the ‘Mirror World’, where matter is projected into space from within, in negative, and the Platonic Forms are essentially the dielectric field.
And this is the connection to your 4D anti-universe.
This is great information. Thanks for sending this to me. I might also mention since your dielectric is inside of the surface and your magnetics is outside of the surface that my theory shows that the space on the outside of surface is circulating around the surface from north to south pole. This is the field and fits entirely into your densities in your above definitions. Also, the dielectric in my theory is toward the inside of the particle from the surface or a negative charge and from the center of the dielectric to the surface when there is a positive charge. This goes along with your space and counterspace.
My theory also shows that waves are coherent matter as I show in the diagram that I attached and the reason the double slit experiment shows the patterns on the screen that it does. The coherent matter experiences forces from interaction between the slit screen and the coherent matter being comprised of different amounts of coherent matter that then sends the waves in different directions.
In my theory gravity affects time and makes the particles react in a chemical way in the forward direction of time in the brains DNA and cells leading to a change in the atoms structure which leads to thought. How does your theory describe consciousness? My theory also shows how time and space are structured by every particle being the same particle in one space and being in a different time leading to the three dimensions that we experience. This leads to entanglement. I can agree with your particle and the dielectric and magnetism being concave and convex. The surface due to this has different curvatures. Magnetism can move backwards in time while the electric moves forward in time or gravity and antigravity affecting time and space in a completely opposite manner. I can see how the interaction of the substance of counterspace, and its surface can create symmetry like the coherent matter. The counterspace giving rise to gravity can cause action at a distance. The electric and magnetic can stop one particle from traveling through one another due to a forward movement of time in the space and no time in the counterspace.
"Magnetism can move backwards in time while the electric moves forward in time"
In my theory, this is reversed. Electricity moves backwards, and magnetism moves forward, and this is more consistent with the phase behavior of capacitors & inductors as observed in electronics... capacitors will retrograde the wave, and inductors will retard the wave, and this is proven.
However, this difference between our conceptions is just semantics. The principle of these opposing characteristics being attached to these forces, is the important part. It matters less, whether we start with + or -.
Well - the phantom maker I can see, which is an improvement as it was sent to me because I had derived a structure from what I couldn't see on LION (Jan 2018) that had to have made the marks observed, then from structures I couldn't see that had to have made marks on Hutchison MFMP "Fracture" Sample (Feb 2020) and then actual structures on the VEGA Valley Eastern Plateau (April 2022) that matched the 'phantoms' that had to have caused the previous observations. So, from things I couldn't see, ghosts in the mechanics, I derived the things that were doing the work, and as soon as I see them in the flesh and share the work product, I get back a piece of engineering that might just be able to make the phantoms I had been investigating.
I like to work with what I can see. I am also far from perfect, just doing what I can. I will be wrong, I have been in the past, probably am now and likely will be in the future.
I don't care when I am wrong, I only care if I am right, and since nature can only tell the truth, it is the best thing to follow. I only started making real progress when I chose to focus on what nature was trying to say. Hopefully, from time to time, I will be equipped to understand its message rather than misunderstand it.
Wise of you... It's a slippery slope. If you accidentally slip into the hyperbolic pit of study that is counterspace, you might find yourself trapped in a wake of vacuum forces, unable to escape the abyssal wyrmwell.
Oh wait, nevermind, that's a black hole.
PS: I've added some stuff.
This guy eh? CLAIMS he likes to work with what he can see,then dedicates his life's work to studying a phantom....
Bob Greenyer, my artistic impression: https://ibb.co/3rhMQ3W
You've achieved perhaps more than anyone else ever has, with regards to legitimizing and making public this area of research. In my view, you and shoulders made this happen.... edit: ok, Zhvirblis also probably deserves a mention....
You're able to work effectively and convincingly within the stringent criteria of the scientific process, method, and academic community, something no one else has really managed to do, so Bravo! Not to mention organize a volunteer organization to get the job done.
PS: I had to rescind your collaboration offer to continue to add changes to the post, but whenever you'd like it back,it's available to you.
PPS: Don't think for a second that I won't bug the hell out of you, if you keep me waiting too long for responses! Us aspies are relentless, once we find our voice, and patience is NOT our virtue. :)
Actually I tried three times to accept, but it cam back and said their were no requests.
I know you Brits are probably still sleeping, but, if you don't accept this thing shortly, I'm going to cancel it again. ^^;;
Now I can't find link.
I have about 2-3 years of future work already in my roster (which expands as I fulfil the outstanding things) and many papers I should have written, but have not yet, based on past findings. What is it specifically that you think I could do that would be advantageous to the human condition beyond what I am trying to do daily?
Resent to m.fleischmann.memorial@gmail.com
Please take a look at my most recent posts on my Facebook page about how an airplane and a UAP create lift and propulsion.
Everything matches correctly.
Baron, this is a very good book. Your basic premise is that there is space outside of the hole and counterspace inside of the hole. There is also a surface that I believe is mass due to the space and counterspace having different densities or viscosities leading to the stoppage of one particle or wave being able to travel through another particle or wave. Your theory also delves into metaphysics with geometry of the hole producing different particles. My theories equations use geometric, electrical, and the number of surface atoms for a material to calculate a phenomenon in the universe. Your particles have an electric and magnetic description as mine does. The electric field is related to the magnetic field.
Could you tell me a bit about how you think DNA & consciousness are involved? I would like to work together to 'translate' your views into the electrodynamic nomenclature, so I can understand it, and potentially so lots more people can too.
I just explained it to you in my earlier message.
Thanks, glad to hear! So I'm going to transcribe/reply this with a few additions/corrections on my theory, for clarity::
> "My basic premise is that there is space outside of the hole(electron) and counterspace inside of the hole(elecron).
(Mostly yeah. Counterspace exists in miniscule amounts outside of atoms as well, which can give rise to things like entanglement between particles or tesla's wardencliffe wireless power system, where i think in both cases one would expect to see planck-scaled flux vortices or longitudinal waves to be carrying the power instead of the usual transverse electromagnetic waves.....
>There is also a surface that I believe is mass due to the space and counterspace having different densities or viscosities.
(different curvatures of the space actually, but viscosity is a close analogy, yes).
Counterspace/dielectric is concave/hyperbolic, and space/magnetism is convex/spheric, and they meet in the middle to produce the real world, euclidian (almost.... thanks Albert Einstein. )
>Leading to the stoppage of one particle or wave being able to travel through another particle or wave.
(It may be related but I would rather suspect it to be magnetic repulsion that pushes particles apart, not the space-counterspace boundary/surface.... Electrodynamically, magnetism originates in space and dielectric originates in counterspace, and also moves backwards in time. So its the magnetism located outside the counterspace boundary surface causing the repulsion of particles, in my view.
This would explain why coherent matter can travel as waves, as if the poles are aligned and wave-functions synchronized, then the magnetic repulsions would be nullified. This is Lockheed's
"Atom Laser" Patent. Bob Greenyer might have something to add here. Maybe we can coax him over.
The function of the counterspace boundary surface is essentially to create symmetry, because counterspace is non-unity which breaks symmetry. It's also non-local & atemporal. It's also the cause of gravity. And I believe its the space/process through which processes like entanglement & consciousness are manifest. )
>Your theory also delves into metaphysics with geometry of the hole producing different particles.
(This is speculative, but yes. This is possibly subject to change, its a work in progress & theory after all.)
>My theories equations use geometric, electrical, and the number of surface atoms for a material to calculate a phenomenon in the universe. Your particles have an electric and magnetic description as mine does. The electric field is related to the magnetic field."
(That's amazing! I still haven't read your paper, but I will as soon as I can!
I should also clarify that there is a mathematical framework within which my theory does operate, that would be the works of C.P. Steinmetz and E.P. Dollard, electrodynamic math from american institute of electrical engineers. however my theory has yet to be rigorously mathematically proofed with this extant mathematics.
As you state the counterspace is atemporal, but the space is temporal leading to thought. It is a change in time which is a force which affects the alignment of all atoms in the brain leading to different thoughts and different personalities and different people.
Yes, I have also considered the notion of increasing force being simply a function of time scaling. And it seems right to me, although this is not how it is described electrodynamically, so its not worded that way in my theory either.
Language is a tricky thing. Scientists of today fail to see that the same system can be described in a multitude of ways, and that many seemingly disparate theories are actually often analogues, just obfuscated by the interjection of differing language & conceptual linkages. I suspect 90% of what science rejects will one day be proven true, and their excuse will be "you didn't use right nomenclature, its your own fault!"
How sightless they are...
All particles are the same particle as depicted in my view of how space and time are structured. You are actually in the same space as me but in a different time. A force is a change in the rate of time passage that leads to your DNA having a different pattern than mine which leads to you thinking differently and looking differently which leads to all scientists looking at the universe differently but calculating the same numbers with different equations and arguing a lot about who is correct.
Yes, and this is a valid way to look at it.
The "two spaces" thing from electrodynamics comes down from the mathematical differentiation of the sine wave as a superposition of 8 discontinuous transient waves. This doesn't mean that sinewaves don't exist, it simply means that we model them as 8th-order differentials to be able to bring them comprehensibly within our minds.
In the same sense, i believe it may be accurate to state that space & counterspace are mathematical differentiations of one actual space, a differentiation required to be able to describe the more complex aspects of space, just as it was also required for the above sinewave.
How does your "anti-universe" fit into this idea? You state "all particles are in the same space", then why need an anti-space/anti-universe? Conciousness?
In my model, the particles aren't in either 'space or 'counterspace' but exist as the boundary condition between those spaces, essentially. Hope that clarifies.
I know differential equations but only for second order equations. I have some experience with 8th order equations because my niece learned how to do them, and I helped her with them. I am not that great with differential equations but if you show me a graph of the equation or the equation, I can understand it. I cannot derive the equation from the graph. It is too difficult for me.
The anti-universe is inside of the particles and waves that my spectrum details. It might just be a different name for your counterspace. I have chatted with many scientists about the anti-universe, and it is located inside of the particles of our universe. It is in a 4D space that is a hypercube or hypersphere. On my spectrum the anti-universe is shown at the far left and far right and it wraps around the spectrum in the back of our universe. This hypercube or hypersphere has three layers and may be the inside and outside of your particle that leaks your counterspace. The particles of my spectrum can be views as the boundary of the space and counterspace. I have to translate from your theory to my theory to understand it all due to the way the DNA in everyone's brains atoms is different leading to a different thought process and a seemingly different theory. I looked on the Internet for the equations of the two men you told me your theory follows but I could not find the equations so can you send me some so I know what your theory entails with the way of equations?
To answer your question about why we need an anti-space/anti-universe is that the universe is flashing on and off at the Planck time. It is first matter and then anti-matter. First the universe and then the anti-matter universe. This keeps the conservation of energy, matter, and momentum. The electrons that are flowing in our brains that allows consciousness are virtual. They produce both anti-electrons and electrons. To keep the conservation laws. The gravity waves change time in the small section of the brain so the electrons can travel from one spot in the brain to another spot and they change energy to do this to travel from one part of space that is in one time to the same space that is in another part of time. This is the chemical reaction that allows consciousness.
Space is basically constant, but time is expanding. The recent James Webb deep space photo shows this. The Big Bang theorized that at a distance of 13.5 billion years we should see electrons, neutrinos, and atoms but yet the photos show more galaxies. The universe appears to be a steady state. It is infinite. An electrical circuit is the same. The generator produces both anti-electrons and electrons that travel in both universes. They are virtual. When the generator is turned off the electrons disappear. The electrons in the atoms are still in the atoms and the reason they don't break apart when the electrons are flowing the circuit. The universe doesn't really exist for a Planck time in either universe, but it flashes so fast we perceive our universe because we are in the flashing part that exists for a time period which is the Planck time.
You are in the same space in the universe as me but when I send data to you the electrons travel in the wire or fiber optic line in this manner, so they travel through time and reach your time in the same space. It is the same when a car engine accelerates the car, and the car moves. The energy that is added to the car makes it appear to move forward because the atoms of the car gain energy and move through time to the same space that is at a different time.
Did I answer your question?
Q ( ϙ ) represents total electrification, in the unit called 'Planks'
Phi ( φ ) represents total magnetization, in the unit called 'Webers'
Psi ( ψ ) represents total dielectrification, in the unit called 'Coulombs'
The relationship between these units is as follows:
ϙ / ψ = φ magnetic induction, measured in the unit called webers
ϙ / φ = ψ dielectric induction, measured in the unit called coulombs
ψ * φ = ϙ total electrification, measured in the unit called planks
From these base units representing the total number of dielectric and magnetic field lines, we derive some density units:
φ / cm² = density of magnetic induction, measured in webers / cm²
ψ / cm² = density of dielectric induction, measured in coulombs / cm²
ϙ / cm^4 = density of electrification, measured in planks / cm^4
This introduced the necessity for counterspace, and calculation of electrical theory in the complex plane, through the extance of space to the 4th power in the equations.
This interpretation is incidentally compliant with Plotinus’ concept of the Platonic Forms in Hypostases, or the ‘Mirror World’, where matter is projected into space from within, in negative, and the Platonic Forms are essentially the dielectric field.
And this is the connection to your 4D anti-universe.
Yes, the short answer is symmetry. :)
This is great information. Thanks for sending this to me. I might also mention since your dielectric is inside of the surface and your magnetics is outside of the surface that my theory shows that the space on the outside of surface is circulating around the surface from north to south pole. This is the field and fits entirely into your densities in your above definitions. Also, the dielectric in my theory is toward the inside of the particle from the surface or a negative charge and from the center of the dielectric to the surface when there is a positive charge. This goes along with your space and counterspace.
II attach a page of what you described to me as your basic particle.
My theory also shows that waves are coherent matter as I show in the diagram that I attached and the reason the double slit experiment shows the patterns on the screen that it does. The coherent matter experiences forces from interaction between the slit screen and the coherent matter being comprised of different amounts of coherent matter that then sends the waves in different directions.
In my theory gravity affects time and makes the particles react in a chemical way in the forward direction of time in the brains DNA and cells leading to a change in the atoms structure which leads to thought. How does your theory describe consciousness? My theory also shows how time and space are structured by every particle being the same particle in one space and being in a different time leading to the three dimensions that we experience. This leads to entanglement. I can agree with your particle and the dielectric and magnetism being concave and convex. The surface due to this has different curvatures. Magnetism can move backwards in time while the electric moves forward in time or gravity and antigravity affecting time and space in a completely opposite manner. I can see how the interaction of the substance of counterspace, and its surface can create symmetry like the coherent matter. The counterspace giving rise to gravity can cause action at a distance. The electric and magnetic can stop one particle from traveling through one another due to a forward movement of time in the space and no time in the counterspace.
Your theory is a good theory.
"Magnetism can move backwards in time while the electric moves forward in time"
In my theory, this is reversed. Electricity moves backwards, and magnetism moves forward, and this is more consistent with the phase behavior of capacitors & inductors as observed in electronics... capacitors will retrograde the wave, and inductors will retard the wave, and this is proven.
However, this difference between our conceptions is just semantics. The principle of these opposing characteristics being attached to these forces, is the important part. It matters less, whether we start with + or -.