Stanley Meyer Memorial Project: Manifesto V2.0
An Arcane Breakthrough: Bagels, Now Served With Cluster-Soup!
The ‘Even More’ Revised Edition.
Table of Contents
Introductions & Acknowledgements
Formative Limerick
Below are the details of the project to be undertaken. But first, the tragic tale of the shameless harassment & meme’ing of Bob Greenyer by a self-styled wizard:
The wizard was a fan of Stan Meyer.
He'd been researching him quite a long while.
He had crafted a plan to homage the man,
Not dissimilar from Martin's 'New Fire'.But an obstacle lay in his way:
"Magnetic Gas" is all Stan did say.
As the key to the plot, he needed Bob's thought.
So a Bob-Trap, the Wizard did lay.Bob and the Wizard soon conspired,
And the Wizard offered him a choir,
When Bob took the bait, with mild remonstrate,
Bob's advice, the Wizard then acquired.Now, the wizard was lacking resources;
In study, he'd skipped the school courses.
So he lived life nomadic, a circumstance tragic,
For the labs had thus far been the way.The Wizard offered Bob the ring,
He recoiled, quite nearly hissing.
Bob said, "Don't tempt me, Frodo", "It's 'death' and I'm 'YOLO'!",
"To this ring you will have to still cling"The Wizard sat and sulked for awhile,
In realizing Greenyer's desire,
To stay independent: he said it, and meant it.
"I'll just have to light my own fire."~ The Bob-Trap, as written by Baron ‘Luminifer’ Arcanus.
Disclaimer: The 'New Fire' belongs to nature herself and cannot be owned. The statement above intends to, by poetic movement, reference the Stanley Meyer Memorial Project as non unlike the “Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project", at least in spirit, if not in scientific rigor.
The wording of this poem should not be taken to construe Martin’s ownership or discovery of the new fire, but rather as a reference ( in rhyme ) to the M.F.M.P. project.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to rebuild in an Open-Source manner, Stan Meyer's 1990s Closed-Loop EVO Pickup-Tube Electronuclear Reactor, or EPG: One of the first ever developed "New Fire" devices.
About The Technology
❝ The reason I am here today is that the multi-international corporate structure can't bring in this type of technology. The Federal Governments cannot bring in this technology. It has to come through an individual such as myself, and it has to move through you and I.
So as I impart this technology onto you, then you have a responsibility to it. This technology must get in through the people, or otherwise it will not go forward.❞
~ Stan Meyer.
Above: A younger Stanley Meyer displaying his EPG or Electric Particle Generator. Note: He didn’t get his picture taken with any other water-car components to our knowledge.
According to Bob Greenyer, an expert in charge-clusters research and founder of the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project:
❝ I have stated clearly that in my view, this is the basis for all exotic energy technology and far more. It is “The God’s Toolbox” and we are “At the Dawn of an Old Age“.
It is inconceivable that the ancient cultures the world over could record the key structures that are repeatedly and predictably observed [ in E.V.O, condensed matter & plasmoid physics ] without either knowing directly of its meaning or remote viewing it, but were not ready to understand it.*
I believe the former is true and we are getting back our birthright – it *cannot* be owned, it is all there is – it is the great power and we must treat knowledge of it with sincere respect.❞
Above: Bob Greenyer, realizing he’s found “The Precious”, gollum !
Bob Greenyer continues:
❝ This is it, 100%, no shadow of a doubt. And we used this before, it was common knowledge, in the ancient world. Now, I have warned that if you overuse this technology, particularly in battle scenarios, you could end up by damaging the earth's magnetic field.
I believe that the meek shall inherit the earth: The proper translation of that is those that know that they have great power but choose not to use it will inherit the earth. We cannot use this for weapons of war. We cannot.
But, this makes all old generation weapons completely pointless. In the US Navy Patents, they call it high frequency gravitational waves and they can turn the whole planet to dust. But we can destroy incoming asteroids!
*Many of you out there have the inspiration and the talent to build this.* No one can own this technology, understand this is the structure of the physical vacuum.
If you drive this too hard, it will destroy anything! Anything: Nothing will be able to resist, nothing! Because it rips the fabric of space-time and sucks the energy out of everything.
We have the ability to use this technology to terraform, to go to other solar systems, and to expand our horizons. We have that technology within our grasp. There's nothing you can do beyond this. This is the power to produce solar systems, destroy suns, and more. This is The God's Toolbox,
And to the people who are locking this up: Come on, that's enough already.❞
~ Bob Greenyer*, 'Has O-Day Finally Arrived?', Founder, The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project.*
About Stanley Meyer
"We literally have the ability now of systems-engineering it to mass-production very, very quickly."
~ Stan Meyer
He wasn't just some amateur inventor; Stan Meyer was contracted for engineering by the likes of NASA, in particular for the Gemini Program, he had won America's Inventor of The Year Award multiple times. As a life-long inventor & tinkerer, he held more than 100,000 patents, and was an independently wealthy businessman & suspected multi-millionaire in the 1990's. Stanley Meyer was a genius, and undoubtedly one of the smartest & most productive men America has ever produced.
Stan Meyer was wrongfully convicted of fraud, in that the use of EVOs in power generation was not known or considered by the courts at that time, and as such his water-powered car was misconstrued as a 'perpetual motion machine', reliant on ‘breaking the laws of physics’ to operate. If only the courts understood the implications of plasmoid physics!
Why Does This Project Exist?
Our intention herein is to prove the viability of Stan's technologies, particularly his 'Electric Particle Generator', just a small piece of the genius contruction that was his Water-Powered Car & retrofit system.
After some consideration, dialog and advice from Bob Greenyer, founder of the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project, I have decided to organize a project to rebuild one of the first "New Fire" devices ever constructed: Stanley Meyer's E.P.G. or electric particle generator.
Significant investigation & fabrication has been undertaken already on Meyer's E.P.G. by the RWG Open-Source Research Organization, operated by Russ Gries, the source from whom I was made aware of this device.
Above: Russ Gries, perceiving the functionality of the EPG.
The fact is, Meyer’s water-car never made power gains via over-unity electrolysis as the critics proclaim. Stan’s water-powered car ran on EVOs. The technology has uptaken, and Stan Meyer along with it, substantial criticism because of this misunderstanding.
I intend to remedy that.
Declaration of The Stanley Meyer Memorial Project
So, I would like to announce the foundation of the Stanley Meyer Memorial Project, S.M.M.P. for short.
And I have assembled a short list of goals for the Stanley Meyer Memorial Project:
Reach out to Russ Gries for collaboration.
Fabricate a replica prototype of Stan Meyer's reactor.
Test the above gases for their efficacy within the reactor.
Achieve power generation using the reactor.
Render documentation of the engineering, fabrication & setup process.
SPECIAL THANKS to Bob Greenyer for helping me figure out the reactor. You reap what you sow. Thank you for your generosity in taking the time & consideration to be my guide. I know I am probably annoying at this point. I will endeavour to show you that it was worth your time and energy.
Basic Overview
Above: Reproduced schematic diagram, without resonant cavity water pre-processing system shown. This V2.0 diagram is based upon the most recent, most advanced iteration that Stan Meyer produced & used in his water-powered car.
Technical Landscape
The E.P.G. is a closed-loop E.V.O. pickup-tube type electronuclear reactor, similar in spirit to Ken Shoulders' early prototypes, although likely utilizing different materials to undertake the electronuclear processes.
This is analogous to a LENR Reactor, in that it uses the same science of vacuum engineering to achieve gains, however these gains are, unlike LENR reactors, not a direct result of fusion.
LENR Reactors such as the Jet-Labs NANOR created by Mitchell Schwartz have reliably documented over-unity, both in laboratory conditions & under scrutiny.
Informational Landscape
Stan Meyer was an awkward kind of guy. He couldn’t simplify things for commoners, nor adhere to standardized scientific nomenclature. He was a maverick, that did things ‘his way’ to great achievement.
As such, understanding Stan’s methods is a daunting task without some form of interpretation, which we will herein provide.
There are copies patents in multiple countries, with differing omissions
Developmental Landscape
There were several iterations of the EPG, from the early 80’s through to 1998:
As such, there are multiple working configurations of the device & system.
The earliest EPGs appeared to use “vaporized tips of magnetic material electrodes” as the magnetic gas.
Later EPGs mixed vaporized electrode tips with water-gas at pressure, with a blow-off valve for excess reactor pressure to be used as fuel.
Magnetic containment allowed the blow-off valve to predominantly blow only HHO, as the polar (magnetic) gases were diverted by the primary coil back into the bagel.
What is an EVO?
Electrodynamically, an EVO forms when the electric line of force 'snaps' like a rubber band and pulls an electron out of the lattice, causing the tracer orbs that Matsumoto documented, which would seem to me that this orb's function is to ionize an air path to permit the arc discharge, because electrodynamics is all about symmetry and pressure mediation.
Of course there is more going on, this would only represent only a 1-tor type of structure, and requires the electron-bunching and the collapse of electron-shells occuring within electronic timescales in order to grow it into EVOs or clusters.
Understanding The EPG
1) Understanding The System as a Whole
I first decided to build an EPG due to its simplicity, which still remains substantial compared to other electronuclear or LENR reactors.
However, the EPG cannot work by itself. It needs help. That is because the EPG is not simply just an 'inside-out transformer' as Russ Gries has suggested, nor a stand-alone system: It requires a significant chain of supportive devices in order to begin to generate power.
The reason the EPG requires supportive devices to operate is because it relies on electronuclear products, that is, charge clusters & atomic clusters, which are exotic chemistry not found on the periodic table nor operating under the normal chemical bonding laws.
These non-periodic structures have been called exotic vacuum objects or EVOs, along with about 30 other names across the scientific literature, to denote their various permutations.
The Magnetic Gas required to make the EPG work contains only charge bonds, the types of bonding found in the nucleus, with zero covalent bonding within the structure of the magnetic gas.
To manufacture this Magnetic Gas, you must make cluster-soup!
2) Understanding The Laser-Pumped Resonant Cavity
Stan used a laser-pumped resonant cavity to polarize & ionize the water prior to using it as the electronuclear input reactant within the electrolysis cell to generate the Brown’s Gas.
Possibly using ‘Pulsed Discharge Flowing Liquid’ method (PDFL).
But what is it, you ask?
Have you ever stood in an echo chamber, or even just a hallway or grid of hallways? They echo. That’s how microwave magnetrons, and resonant cavities in general, work. It’s an echo-chamber of electromagnetic waves. Stan’s, of course, had a Laser in it. Pew, pew.
You might get away with skipping this, or even deferring to a less complex (and dangerous) method of ionization.
3) Understanding The Magnetic Gas Generator
In truth, Stan’s Magnetic Gas, henceforth to be affectionately named *Cluster-Soup* is a mixture of two different types of clusters, of two classes:
Electrode self-collapse products or electron/charge clusters, made in the (3) Magnetic Gas Generator.
Water-gas atomic clusters or Brown’s Gas, made in the (4) Electrolysis Cell.
Electrode self-collapse products are an ever-present main component in Stan Meyer’s Magnetic Gas. They are a type of exotic matter that sometimes forms in arc discharges under very special conditions.
This Magnetic Gas empowers & magnetizes the water-gas in the EPG to generate power, although it it not a primary constituent of Stan’s Magnetic Gas, by volume. Less than half, estimated 10-30% by volume is the current consensus.
WARNING: This is an electronuclear reaction. Steel & Vanadium self-collapse processes are known to produce deadly neutron radiation. Do not do this!
4) Understanding The Dielectric Resonant Electrolysis
Stan electrodynamically exploited transience in resonant impulses to cause a voltage pinch, a resonant spike in voltage. This differs from the regular current-based electrolysis method.
However it may not be entirely required in the formation of atomic clusters, as proven by Yull Brown, who also claimed over-unity simply ( and truthfully, it seems given the recent revelations on charge & atomic clusters ) by pressurizing an electrolysis cell, without any resonance involved. But if you want a highly efficient & productive system, this is suspected to be a big improvement.
5) Understanding The EPG “Bagel” Coil
The EPG “Bagel” Coil works ( according to Stan’s patents ) like this:
Pumps accelerate the internal velocity of EVOs flowing within the bagel to amplify their dielectric induction, in an apparent case of voltage-only non-unity.
In the case of solid-state (magnetic) pumps, these are also used to divert & separate the polar & non-polar gases, and also seems to recharge the magnetic fields in some way.The voltage response in the pickup coils is non-unity. (1500% over-unity, actually is the number thrown around by the community. )
Note: The gas velocity in the primary & secondary electrical coils are different, therefore, asymmetrical. This asymmetry is the root cause of the over-unity, from an electrodynamics perspective.It is NOT unprecedented that magnetohydrodynamic effects invoke non-linear behaviors well below Schwinger’s Limit, such as the observed Kerr Effect or its analogue in Bob’s experiments, where the different colours of plasmas diverge at different angles.
As the pickup coils receive energy from the EVO particles, the particles slow down, naturally, as this restores symmetry. In this sense, the EVOs are generating transient waves which are discontinuous & non-unity in an attempt to force a return to symmetry.
An unorthodox combination of electro & permanent nested magnets recharge the EVOs in some designs.
But just how does this work?
As observed by Steinmetz when correcting the grid flash-over phenomena which resulted in multiple deaths in the pioneering days of electricity: The behavior of transience is that Symmetry trumps Unity in transient waves, meaning that Nature is willing to discard unity, if symmetry is repaired in the process.
According to Steinmetz & Noether, all non-unity results from broken symmetry of some kind. This is traditionally induced via synchronous parameter variation however it seems now well-proven that there are either other ways, or that synchronous parameter variation can occur & apply on electronic scales.
As observed with synchronous parameter variation, maintaining symmetry often requires a static backdrop on which to mediate pressures & find balance: When multiple electrical coefficients change simultaneously, this qualifies as synchronous parameter variation and usually breaks unity, hence Heaviside’s Theory of Continuity of Energy.
Magnetohydrodynamic effects are, in essence, of the same relationship, because you are varying multiple fundamental coefficients simultaneously by distorting one wave atop another. ( pressure is related to velocity, so both must change, in addition to all the electrical coefficients. By the way, this is chaos, or Kali again.. )
It seems the EVOs are used as a tool to exploit magnetohydrodynamic gains by virtue of their unusual non-covalent special properties. As such the EPG is not a LENR reactor, but rather a LEMHD reactor, utilizing the same physics but in a different, potentially safer way. This allowed Stan to burn the magnetic gases as fuel, after having already absorbed energy out of them via magnetohydrodynamic gains.
This may even be a non-linear effect whose scaling is skewed electrodynamically ( in our favour ) by virtue of the vacuum characteristics of the vacuum objects in action. I suspect there are ‘orders of magnitude’ to vacuum structures, and that unity is only obeyed when operating within the same local scaling of structures.
This however, is speculative. Really it doesn’t matter: There is enough evidence that it worked, was real, and is ripe for re-discovery.
Operational & Technical Overview
Laser-Pumped Dielectric Resonant Cavity
This ionizes & polarizes the water, increasing the ease of formation for charge-clusters within the pressurized electrolytic cell.DANGER: The Beryllium emitter inside of magnetrons is harmful or FATAL if ingested or inhaled even in trace amounts due to TOXICITY and serious care is required to disassemble or tinker with magnetrons.
DANGER: Microwave transformers operate at lethal voltages and require to be properly discharged before touching. Some transformers are safe to touch while in operation but Microwave Transformers are NOT safe to touch.
It would seem the resonant cavity's natural frequency is tuned to the dielectric properties of water and operated in a pulsed mode.
It appears Meyer used a smaller cavity than the commonly available microwave magnetron, but given their ready accessibility, maybe I will try one regardless.
Magnetic Gas Generator
This is a spark-gap of electrodes made from “magnetic material” capable of self-collapse, resulting in the formation of meta-stable EVOs to magnetize the Brown’s Gas from the electrolysis cell, to run the reactor.
DANGER: This is an electronuclear reaction. Steel & Vanadium self-collapse processes are known to produce DEADLY neutron radiation.
DO NOT DO THIS!Pure Iron & Tungsten are the leading candidates, they must be tested with a spectrum of pressures & discharges to determine viability.
This seems to share a common pressure-vessel with the electrolysis cell, therefore likely operating at the same pressure if absent of check valves.
This needs to be driven by a powerful & instantaneous negatively-pulsed dielectric discharge, to have maximized effect. Plausible hardware includes:
Thyratrons, especially Hydrogen Thyratrons.
Mercury rectifiers
Rotary sparkgaps ( Tesla-style )
Any kind of arc switching device.
Pressurized Resonant Dielectric Electrolysis Cell
This is a Brown's gas type pressurized electrolytic system, ideal for the formation of charge & atomic clusters due to the high internal operating pressure leading to condensation of clusters, aided by the previous ionization processes in the resonant cavity in the case of atomic clusters.This electrolysis process is not producing the typical Hydrogen & Oxygen, but rather charge-clusters by virtue of the pre-ionization in the resonant cavity, and changes in ionization voltage requirements from the increased pressure.
It would seem the cell's ideal pressure to be between 5-15 barres.
It would seem the resonant electrolysis cell's natural frequency is tuned to the dielectric properties of water and operated in a disruptive dielectric discharge mode, possibly.
*Flow velocity may also be used to induce electronuclear reactions in electrolysis, in addition to pressure. *
Magnetic Gas
This is a non-covalent water-gas, technically a charge-cluster produced via electronuclear condensation reactions of water-gas within the electrolytic cell, mixed with electrode self-collapse electronuclear products to provide the polarization & magnetizing energy to the other gases. ( being charge-clusters )This Magnetic Gas falls under the category of 'exotic chemistry' as its elemental components do not exist on the periodic table, but rather are manufactured inside electric arc discharges in a process of electronuclear reactions which perform vacuum engineering to produce structures yet to be integrated into academic mainstream or periodic table.
It is suspected that the identity of the Magnetic Gas used by Stan Meyer is:
Brown's gas, a heavy watergas.
Santilli's "MagneGas", or “MagneHydrogen”. (Purchasable!)
Hydrogen gas, in one of its various mundane permutations.
Of course, ALL THE ABOVE are mixed with electrode self-collapse products to provide magnetizing energy & polarization.
It’s stated as a “signicant proportion”, by volume, I’m guessing 10-30%, an power outputs & reactor instability likely increase proportionally with this figure.
Electric Particle Generator “Bagel” Coil
This is a closed-loop E.V.O. pickup tube electronuclear reactor.This is the simplest part of the reactor as replicated by Russ Gries, which acts as a 'transformer' to pull energy out of the charged Magnetic Gas circulating throughout its system.*
This process would appear to be non-unity as we would understand it, as reported energy gains from the EPG have been claimed as 1500% or greater.
It is suspected that these gains are mediated by vacuum force, the fundamental force which governs the formation of particles in space, which is related to certain configurations of electromagnetic fields, as demonstrated by the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project in their investigation of V.E. Zhvirblis' "Electromagnetic Phantom Coil".
Ideas For Experimentation
Purchase MagneGas for testing inside EPG coil.
Purchase MagneHydrogen for testing inside EPG coil
The following variables ares surmised to effect the water-gas cluster products:
Water Ionization level.
Water Electrolization pressure.
Water Electrolization voltage.
Water Electrolization resonant frequency.
The following variables ares surmised to effect the electrode self-collapse products:
Spark-gap width
Atmospheric pressure
Flow velocity
Disruptive discharge characteristics ( ie: capacity )
Electric coefficients ( ie: reactance, impedance, etc…)
Stan loved exploiting resonance in every component on the water-car to enhance the power & efficiency margins and therefore performance:. A true demonstration of his wizardry.
This may not strictly be necessary if you are willing to pump high-wattage into creating the gas, and take sufficient care in containing it.
Ideas For Engineering
In summary, there are 2 exotic chemicals in Stan’s Magnetic Gas:
Electrode self-collapse products (Magnetic Gas).
It seems likely, but not certain, that the Magnetic Gas & Browns Gas share a pressure vessel, and therefore a common operating pressure.
The constant operational pressure (yet unknown) was likely a key to manufacture, as Stan specifically stated the pressure is a constant. There is no other good reason for this.
It is surmisable that the common constant pressure is lower than that of Browns gas, in that the inferred electrolysis products within the pressure vessel were stated as hydrogen & oxygen, in some versions of EPG.
Stan’s magnetic electrode material is unknown, however there are not many options, given the required ‘magnetic’ descriptor:
Nickel. (DANGEROUS!?!?!?)
Cobalt. (DANGEROUS!?!?!?)
Alloys thereof. (DANGEROUS!!!!)
Tungsten ( Technically paramagnetic )
Other paramagnetic metals???? (DANGEROUS!?!?!?!)
High-pressure electrolysis products ( Brown’s Gas / Charge Clusters )
Stan’s operating pressure is yet unknown, but it was constant.
We can presume Brown’s model, and a pressure of , but this is probably wrong as the pressure is tailored to Magnetic Gas, not Brown’s gas.
The Magnetic Gas produced in the magnetic-electrode spark gap is used to magnetize the Brown’s Gas produced in the electrolysis cell, to run the reactor.
Iterative Parts List
COLLABORATORS: Please make any additions here based on your suspected engineering requirements.
Laser-Pumped Dielectric Resonant Cavity
CC/CV Supply
Laser Diode (What kind is ideal?)
Resonant Cavity
Calculations are likely required.
Unknown, begin testing available apparati.
Pulse Tuning Circuit
Calculations are required,
Pressurized Resonant Dielectric Electrolysis Cell
Hydro Pump
Any should work.
Magnetic pump preferred for its byproductive uses, such as cluster separation, containment and field re-charging.
Pressure Vessel
Withstand 15 barres of pressure.
Capable of containing electrolysis reaction.
Tungsten ?
Mercury (Wetted to solids via surface tension) ?
*DO NOT* use Steel or Vanadium DANGER!
Tuning Circuit
Meyer's PCB is available.
Variable capacitor for adjustment & testing.
Electric Particle Generator
EVO Channel
Plastic (Dielectric) Tubing.
Pickup Coils
Magnet (Coil) Wire.
Pneumatic Pump
May require non-metal impeller if electron clusters are involved.
Knowledge Base
1: Propositional Knowing
Propositional knowing is to know that something is the case and to assert a proposition: A cat is a mammal.
The Electric Particle Generator (EPG) is an EVO powered electrical generator.
The engineering basis of the EPG is that of a closed-loop EVO pickup-tube electronuclear reactor, similar to Shoulders’ prototypes.
The contents of the EPG are described as a "Magnetic Gas" that was stable or meta-stable at room temperature, and a result of ‘exotic chemistry’.
Where in Ken Shoulders' pickup-tube, the 'helix' of the pickup coil had to be calibrated to keep pace with the EVO’s velocity down the tube, Meyer's did not need this.
I believe the reason it was un-needed was because the E.P.G. relied on large numbers of E.V.O.s and 'chance encounters' in the coupling of EVOs to pickup coils, rather than a precision arrangement.
In other words... where Shoulders' pickup coils were designed to couple to the EVOs ~100% of the time in the tube, I think Meyer's was achieving fleeting coupling, only perhaps ~1-5% of the time.
This means he is not driving the EVOs particularly hard. He is also recycling them through the sparkgap and magnet, over and over.
I think this may be one of the safest ways to use E.V.Os, as they are never going to ground, but recycled.
The secret of Stan Meyer’s water-powered car is that it wasn’t a water-powered car. Stan Meyer lied!
His ‘water-powered car’ relied on electronuclear reactions to generate the electricity required to power the substantial electrolysis, ionization & polarization processes, such as the laser-pumped resonant cavity & resonant LC electrolysis cell.
The reactor is constantly refining its contents to increase proportion of electrode self-collapse products (Magnetic Gas) by diverting it away from the blow-off valve with the primary coil.
IN SHORT: Stan used brute-force & EVOs to make a car run.
The perceived “Retrofit Energy System” that everyone thinks Stan Meyer developed was a Gasoline-to-Water retrofit.
The actual “Retrofit Energy System” that Stan Meyer actually developed was an EVO-Electricity-to-Combustion-Engine retrofit.
Water was just the unfortunate intermediary required to allow electrical power to spin a combustion engine, via his water-fuel technologies.
2: Procedural Knowing
Procedural knowing is knowing how to do things. Knowing how is not in beliefs but in skills.
It seems Stan’s process for creating the electronuclear magnetic gas was pre-polarization & pre-ionization of the input products, coupled with high-pressure electrolysis at approximately 1-15 atmospheres of pressure.
Stan used a laser-pumped resonant cavity to polarize & ionize the water prior to using it as the electronuclear input product.
Do not use Vanadium or Steel which usually contains Vanadium anywhere near your electronuclear reactions, or you will produce deadly neutrons! THIS IS BAD!
Depending how stable the magnetic gas is (Stan said it was stable) you could theoretically switch the sparkgap off which generates the magnetic gas and just run the pump. Permanent magnets then charge the EVOs. It is surmisable that the closed-loop EVO channel would or could reach 'saturation' where its contents is already filled with EVOs and continued sparking is not needed.
If you've worked with vacuum equipment, you know how finicky losses can be, so the quality of the fabrication may make a monumental difference, if constructed to vacuum standards, and if a cumulative buildup is a key engineering strategy.
And indeed, magnetic gases when considered as monopole oscillators sound like something which could behave wildly on the Brownian motion level, leading to increased losses, potentially, through air gaps.
3: Perspectival knowing
You need to have a situational awareness, what’s going on here and now. This is your perspectival knowing,
There are a number of advantages & disadvantages to Meyer's design & methodology. We will discuss them below:
There are no tooling barriers to be found here as there are in many LENR reactors. It is a simple machine, whose fabrication can be executed at the garage-level, without the need for engineered nanocrystals or complex scientific apparatus, as with most LENR reactors.
Using only watergases and (presumed) tungsten electrodes as the active electronuclear components, there is little cost needed for exotic input products like Palladium or Deuterium, as with other electronuclear reactors.
In the modern era, this device could easily power electric cars or bikes, and not require a complex drivetrain of waterfuels synthesis to retrofit it to a vehicle, as Stan did.
The machine uses obscure electronuclear reactions & products, far outside the scientific mainstream, and not on the periodic table. Only (relatively) recently has the science of exotic electronuclear reactions & condensed-matter nuclear products even been established as reputable fact.
Economic Risk Factors
Stan Meyer was (allegedly) murdered for this, according to family members, when he died in a restaurant meeting with potential investors of United Nations affiliation, taking one sip of the glass before running outside yelling, "They poisoned me." and dropping dead moments after.
Electronuclear Risk Factors
While the types of electronuclear reactions we are seeking have been observed thus far as safe & neutron-free, a mine-field exists in the execution of experimental setups, as exposure of new elements to electronuclear reactions could result in the release of neutrons or other harmful and potentially lethal strange radiations.
The reactor is constantly refining its contents to increase proportion of electrode self-collapse products (Magnetic Gas) by diverting it away from the blow-off valve with the primary coil.
In this way, water-gas & its clusters are separated from the magnetic gases (which seem to form at a contant (yet unknown) pressure.
4: Participatory Knowing
Participatory knowing is concerning the experience of being in a situation. If you sit behind the steering wheel, you are the driver.
The last person to participate with a functional EPG died yelling “They poisoned me”, while meeting with prospective investors affiliated with the United Nations. (DANGEROUS!!!!!)
I had consulted Bob Greenyer in private about the candidates for this gas, bearing upon several clues:
The timeframe of the works of Stan Meyer, and what research was available at that time.
The inferred limits of input products, including only water & atmosphere.
The knowledge of Bob Greenyer, an expert on charge clusters research.
And we have drawn several candidates from these clues:
Brown's gas, a heavy watergas.
Santilli's "MagneGas", or “MagneHydrogen”.
Hydrogen gas, in one of its various mundane permutations.
Ionized water will cluster much easier than untreated water.
Positive pressure will reduce ionization voltage significantly.
Stan stated in the American Patent that mixing electrode self-collapse products (Magnetic gas) via dielectric vaporization into HHO, the HHO becomes polar by influence and itself becomes a magnetic gas, powering the reactor. This setup was pressurized, so this may represent brown’s gas, or some kind of charge-cluster, instead of oxyhydrogen.
This would appear to be the most advanced configuration of EPG.
In summary, there are 2 exotic chemicals in Stan’s Magnetic Gas:
Electrode self-collapse products (Magnetic Gas).
It seems likely, but not certain, that the Magnetic Gas & Browns Gas share a pressure vessel, and therefore a common operating pressure.
The constant operational pressure (yet unknown) was likely a key to manufacture, as Stan specifically stated the pressure is a constant. There is no other good reason for this.
Stan’s magnetic electrode material is unknown, however there are not many options, given the required ‘magnetic’ descriptor:
Nickel. (DANGEROUS!?!?!?)
Cobalt. (DANGEROUS!?!?!?)
Alloys thereof. (DANGEROUS!!!!)
Tungsten (Technically paramagnetic)
Other paramagnetic metals???? (DANGEROUS!?!?!?!)
High-pressure electrolysis products ( Brown’s Gas / Charge Clusters )
Stan’s operating pressure is yet unknown, but it was constant.
We can presume Brown’s model, and a pressure of , but this is probably wrong as the pressure is tailored to Magnetic Gas, not Brown’s gas.
It is surmisable that the common constant pressure is lower than that of Browns gas, in that the inferred electrolysis products within the pressure vessel were stated as hydrogen & oxygen at least in some renditions of the EPG.
Obligatory Flavour Text
Come forth, dark herald: Bringer of light.
Bourne by the burning swans, and his plague breath.
Creator of the dream coil,
A halo aloft, as hands entwine.Painters of the tempest,
With their red hands:
The world their canvas,
Through the mist of the stormglass.~ Painters of The Tempest ( Part II: Triptych Lux ), Citadel,
As written by Mark Campbell & Tim Charles of Ne Obliviscaris.
Obligatory Trolling
Disclaimer: No disrespect is meant towards Bob. He is an unfortunate victim of comic relief by a trolly wizard, a fate beset upon him for refusing to use encrypted chat. His outstanding academic work is thorough & revelatory. He is a hero, by archetype.
Please support the MFMP & Remote View here.
Manifesto Changes Log:
From V2.0:
Various diagram additions.
Various typographical fixes.
Now with memes!
From V1.0:
Changed to more recent EPG configuration, utilizing mixed cluster “soup” and primary coil diversion containment method.
After Bob's warning, wouldn't it be wise to have an amendment noted that tungsten electrodes will also produce neutrons - and at lethally dangerous levels?
Did Stanley Meyer use a nuclear reactor in his water car? It all sounds a bit dangerous?